Church Announcements
Published 1:00 pm Thursday, May 31, 2018
Waynesburg Pentecostal fundraiser
Waynesburg Pentecostal Church, 12125 Hwy. 27 South, Waynesburg, is holding a yard/bake sale along with a car wash and cookout on Saturday, June 2 from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. All proceeds with be used for mission opportunities.
Bethel AME Homecoming
Bethel AME Church in Boneyville is holding a homecoming on Sunday, June 3. The 3 p.m. guests will be Bishop Joseph Shea Brown and congregation of Pleasant Valley Baptist Church. Rev. Reginald Pullums, pastor.
WMU Summer Rally
The WMU Summer Rally will be Monday, June 4 at New Salem Baptist Church. Refreshments will be served at 6 p.m. and the meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. Bro. Nick Manzie and Ramona Wall will be the guest speakers, sharing about their mission trip to Cuba last summer with a mission team from the Stanford Baptist Church.
Night of Praise
Hebron Lakeside Church, Hwy. 150 East (next to Cedar Creek Lake) is hosting a Night of Praise led by talented musicians on Friday, June 8 starting at 6:30 p.m. A love offering will be accepted to help support the mission team to provide Vacation Bible School in Navajo Nations, N.M.
Stanford Baptist to hold VBS
Be ready to kick the summer off with Vacation Bible School! Stanford Baptist will be hosting “Game On” VBS 2018, June 11 -15 from 5:30-8 p.m. This VBS is available to children ages three through fifth grade. Youth in sixth through 12th grades will be doing a “Week of Missions”. A meal will be provided each night, along with fun learning about Jesus Christ. Our last night will be Family Night Cookout. We hope to see you there. The van will be run nightly. If need to be picked up or have any questions, please contact our office at (606) 365-2178 or Katie Phillips at (606) 669-5524.
Calvary Hill to hold VBS
Calvary Hill Baptist Church, 100 John Street, will hold Vacation Bible School, June 11-15 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Classes are available for ages two through 12th grade. A meal will be served each evening. The theme is “Game on” For more information or a ride, call (859) 339-4725.