
Third graders excel in reading competition

NEWS RELEASE Third grade students at Crab Orchard Elementary are participating in the READBowl! READBowl is a free ...


Public records

Property transfers recently recorded in the office of Lincoln County Clerk George O. “Sonny” Spoonamore IV. • Ronnie ...


“What if it was your son?” Police say Michael Gorley case remains active

BY ABIGAIL ROBERTS Correspondent STANFORD – What if it was your son? That’s the question that mother Sandra ...


Store clerks held at gunpoint while man robs store

BY ABIGAIL ROBERTS Correspondent STANFORD – The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office is currently working to locate the man ...


Man charged with selling drugs out of camper

BY ABIGAIL ROBERTS Correspondent WAYNESBURG – A man was arrested on drug-trafficking charges after the Lincoln County Sheriff’s ...


The value of documenting process art

BY AMANDA MESSER Waynesburg Elementary School Early childhood educators often face a dilemma — how to effectively meet ...


Public Records

Property transfers recently recorded in the office of Lincoln County Clerk George O. “Sonny” Spoonamore IV. • Catherine ...

News Main

Fiscal Court names permanent parks & rec director

BRAD SMITH Lincoln County Fiscal Court At last week’s fiscal court meeting Kaycie Bandura was named the Lincoln ...

News Briefs

Public records

Property transfers recently recorded in the office of Lincoln County Clerk George O. “Sonny” Spoonamore IV. • Darren ...


Unretired! Rowe is still superintendent after board learns Open Meetings violation voids resignation, contract

BY ABIGAIL ROBERTS Correspondent STANFORD – Michael Rowe is still superintendent of Lincoln County Schools, despite giving his ...

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