Hutti introduces ‘The Heirloom Life’
By Melanie Hutti
Heirloom (n.) – a piece of property that defends to the heir as an inseparable part of an inheritance of real property; something of special value handed down from one generation to another; a variety of plant that has originated under cultivation and that has survived for several generations usually due to the efforts of private individuals.
Heirloom living is nothing new to the world. It is actually a return to tradition that began with the first generation of man. The art of passing down skills, traditions, and family treasures seemed to get lost at some point in modern society. Today’s conveniences of cooking and fast food pushed cooking “from scratch” to the back of the pantry, along with our grandmother’s buttermilk biscuits. Anything crafted by hand seems virtually lost. Busy schedules, long workdays, and immediate gratification preclude the inconvenience of growing, planning, and executing a homemade meal. Hand-sewn, handcrafted, and homegrown became words rarely used in today’s fast-paced world.
What family heirloom is important to you? It may be a piece of furniture, a handmade quilt, or even a new tradition of Dad’s special pancakes on Sunday mornings. My great-great grandmother’s rolling pin and dough board are invaluable to me, in use and possession. The heirloom life preserves these precious traditions from being swept away, with only one generation separating them from extinction. I invite you to explore the rarity of tradition in modern society through local farmers, artisans, and cooks as part of the resurgence of The Heirloom Life.
About the writer: Melanie Hutti is a new contributing writer who enjoys cooking, heirloom gardening and art. She resides with her family on Gypsy Hill Farm in Lincoln County. Hutti can be reached by email at