Published 3:46 pm Thursday, December 27, 2018
By Scena Ann Petrey
Kallie Bailey, Stacy Story, Nikki Wheeler, Rita Hampton, and Judy Jacobs sang “O, Holy Night” on Sunday, Dec. 23 prior to the morning message. Absolutely beautiful blending of their voices made the following words spring forth with new meaning: “Fall on your knees; receive the Gift of heaven!”
“Only love could leave heaven for a stable, only humility could use a donkey as a throne. Only Hope could trade a crown of gold for one of thorns. Only Jesus could give up everything He deserved to give us something we could never earn…Life without end!”
Bro. Kyle’s message “A Glorious Light” taken from John 1:14-18 and drawing special emphasis to verse 14 made the above poem more meaningful.
John opened his book by saying “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. Bro. Kyle emphasized the “Word” in his message. The Word is Jesus who gave up everything in heaven to come to earth. He became flesh and lived as we do. He was tempted, but unlike us, He never sinned. He became all that is humanity and all that is divinity in ONE flesh. He dwelt among us. In the Old Testament God dwelt among His people in the tent throughout the Exodus from Egypt. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Tent. Jesus is still today fully God and fully man. He ascended to heaven and sits on the right hand of God. When He returns, we will be raised from the dead, receive new, glorified bodies, and see Him face to face.
As the poem states above, Jesus gave up everything to become our Saviour! The service concluded with the taking of the Lord’s Supper. Very appropriate!
During the Sunday evening service, we looked at how and why Jesus came into our world. Gracie and Paisley Gay sang a special “Hallelujah”, which told the story of Jesus’ birth in song. The service culminated with everyone holding lighted candles while we sang “Silent Night.”
We express sympathy and prayers to the following: Rebecca, Joseph, Noah, and Joshua Branham whose grandfather and great-grandfather Clyde Jenkins passed away; to Lucy Hubbard whose sister passed away in Somerset; and to Dewilla and Charles Holtzclaw whose brother-in-law Melvin Benedict passed away.
Dates to remember: Dec. 29-31 – Winter Xtreme for youth in Gatlinburg, Tenn.
Thought for the week: “All the Christmas PRESENTS in the world are worth nothing without the PRESENCE of Christ.”
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!