Published 12:15 pm Thursday, January 31, 2019
By Scena Ann Petrey
On Sunday, Jan 27, Bro. Kyle experienced a very rare treat. He traveled to Elizabethtown to baptize his dad. What a wonderful blessing for him, his wife, and his children!
Some 22 children of our church sang and led the congregations in a song. For the past year the theme for children’s church has been “Joy”. All the children chose a word that held special meaning for them. Three of the children told us their word and explained the special meaning it held for them: Jax – encourage; Jonas – humility; and Chelsea – forgive. Great job, Stacy and children!
Sophie Cornett was featured in “What a Beautiful Name It Is” in a special with the congregation joining in for the remainder of the song.
uring Bro. Kyle’s absence, Aaron Hogue brought the morning message. “Strong in the Gospel” was taken from Gal. 2:20. God’s desire for our lives is to be strong in Christ, in the right things, and in the right person.
Paul wrote the book of Galatians, and in this verse, he talked about his faith he had in Christ and how he had become a new creature because Christ lived in him. The three points that Aaron made in his message were as follows: see our new identity, walk in a new power, and walk with a new focus.
Paul states that “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” God comes to us and rescues us from our sin. We cannot earn God’s love, favor, or salvation; it is a gift. We are not a number; we are identified by our name in Christ.
We walk in a new power because He made us the place where He dwells. We are a temple of the Holy Spirit. “Christ is not a pattern; He is a power!” stated Bro. Aaron.
We walk with a new focus by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. We are saved by faith and live by faith in Christ. Our careers, spouses, monies, etc. may fail us – what happens to us then? Jesus is the only Savior and if you fail Him, He forgives!
Kid’s Camp is July 21-24 for students coming out of the second grade through sixth grade. A $75 deposit/per person is due Feb. 17. See Stacy for more information.
Our church will be going to Perfect North Slopes in Indiana Feb. 23-24. The cost is $60 skiing, $40 tubing, + money for three meals. You must sign up and pay by Feb. 10 to reserve your spot.
Dates to remember: Sunday, Feb. 10 – spaghetti meal at the shelter; Sunday, Feb. 10 – Masterlife Books 2 study for six weeks; Sunday, Feb. 17 at 6 p.m. – movie “I Can Only Imagine”; March 22-24 – Laurel Lake Baptist camp spring family retreat.
Thought for the week: “Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.”