Published 10:31 am Thursday, April 11, 2019

By Scena Ann Petrey

Chloe Whitaker, who has been serving on a mission trip for six-and-one-half months in Taiwan, spoke about her work there on Sunday, April 7. Of approximately three million people in the city she was in, only two percent of the people are Christians. Offerings from our Cooperative Program, the Lottie Moon, and Annie Armstrong enable these mission trips and work. Meesha, a convert from Taiwan, gave his testimony about how God came into his life. Wonderful!

Bro. Jerry Hampton sang a special Sunday entitled “I Saw His Scars”. “Don’t forget I love you – just the way you are (says Jesus). I know it must be true for I saw His scars!” Jesus’ scars came from his sacrificial atonement for OUR sins. He deserved nothing that He went through, but out of love for the world, He was crucified.

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“Hope for the Grieving in Christ’s Coming”, the topic of Bro. Kyle’s message came from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. We grieve for many things – health, loss of independence, empty nest, loss of a loved one, etc. But we need to remember that Christ is Lord of all – even sadness.

The five basic doctrinal truths about the second coming of Christ are as follows: Jesus is coming again, Jesus is coming for His church, those who died before will not miss out, a glorious reunion with Christ is in store, and the second coming should give everyone hope and encouragement.

Without Jesus and what He did, we would have NO hope. He died for us, paid the penalty for our sins, and His resurrection is the receipt for our sins.

Bro. Kyle focused on the three sounds from the passage and the second coming of Jesus. He will shout a command; we will hear the archangel’s voice; and a trumpet call of God will announce Jesus’ coming.

Another focus of the message was about the three reunions. Souls of believers will be reunited with bodies and get new bodies; we will be reunited with the Lord; and we will be reunited with other believers and live with the Lord forever.

Friday, May 3 at 6 p.m. the Wototo children of Uganda will be singing at Pleasant View. Everyone is welcome!

Plans are being made for VBS for June 10-13 from 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. The theme for this year is “In the Wild” and is for children Preschool – Sixth grade.

Easter Services plans: April 14 – Palm Sunday Lord’s Supper at 11 a.m.; April 19 – Good Friday Service at 6 p.m., Lord’s Supper; April 20 – Easter Eggstravaganza (birth-sixth grade) breakfast at 9 a.m., Activities/Egg Hunt at 10 a.m.-noon; April 21 – Easter Sunday, Sunrise Service at 7 a.m., Adult Easter Choir at 11 a.m. “Amazing Love”.

DATES TO REMEMBER: May 19 – Senior Adult Day; June – Pioneer Playhouse outing; Sept. – Derby Dinner Theater outing.

Thought for the week: “To walk with God, you must talk with God!”