District Court news: May 11, 2017
Published 2:25 am Friday, May 12, 2017
Cases heard in Lincoln District Court. List includes names of those charged who are not identified as minors.
Shawn E. Barnett, assault 4th degree domestic violence no visible injury. Dismissed with leave on condition of no violent contact with complaining witness.
James Dale Brock, assault 4th degree domestic violence minor injury and criminal mischief 3rd degree. Plea of guilty to assault 4th degree domestic minor injury charge. 90 days probated 2 years with no offenses. Remaining charge dismissed with leave.
Laura Denny, harassing communications. Dismissed with leave.
Marilyn Sue Dowell, harassment – no physical contact. Dismissed with leave.
Gary Falconberry, careless driving and carrying a concealed deadly weapon. Plea of guilty to careless driving charge. $100 fine and costs. Remaining charge dismissed with leave.
Stephen Thomas Grubbs, operate motor vehicle under influence alcohol/drugs, .08 3rd offense, drug paraphernalia – buy/possess and failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security 1st. Pretrial conference 6-22.
Brenden M. Hayes, theft by unlawful taking or disp all others under $500. Plea of guilty. 40 days, 10 days to serve (1 day credit) balance probated 2 years with no offense.
Abigail Hodge, operate motor vehicle under influence alcohol/drugs, .08 2nd offense. Plea of guilty. $350 fine, $375 service fee, costs, counseling, 12 months suspension of license and 7 days jail (3 days credit).
Bobby D. Johnson, theft by unlawful taking or disp shoplifting under $500 and possess a controlled substance. Plea of guilty. 70 days, 10 days to serve, balance probated 2 years with no offenses and stay off Walmart property; and 70 days, 10 days to serve, balance probated 2 years with no offenses, respectively.
Derek Jones, criminal mischief 2nd degree. Dismissed with leave.
Derek Jones, criminal mischief 2nd degree. Plea of guilty. 60 days probated 2 years with no offenses and stay off property.
Jason O. Lowery, four counts of theft by deception include cold checks under $500. Plea of guilty. Fees, costs and restitution.
Candy Maples, possess a controlled substance and alcohol intoxication in a public place. Plea of guilty to alcohol intoxication charge. $50 fine. Remaining charge dismissed with leave.
Michael Joseph Martin, cruelty to animals 2nd degree. Dismissed with leave and restitution of $307.75.
Michael W. Pickett, assault 4th degree domestic violence minor injury. Dismissed with leave.
Adam Troy Riddle, speeding 15 mph over limit, reckless driving, improper start from parked position and possession of marijuana. Failed to appear. Bench warrant.
Jason Dean Simpson, failure to add taxable unit to taxable inventory. Dismissed with leave.
Richard Simpson, careless driving, license to be in possession, traffic in marijuana less than 8 oz. 1st offense, drug paraphernalia – buy/possess and possession of marijuana. Failed to appear. Bench warrant.
Brenda K. Smallwood, 9 counts of theft by deception include cold checks under $500. Plea of guilty. Fees, costs and restitution.
Rodney Dewayne Smith, giving officer false name or address. Plea of guilty. 90 days to serve.
Julia Thomas, assaut 4th degree domestic violence minor injury. Status 6-22.
Julia A. Thomas, public intoxication controlled substance (excludes alcohol). Status 6-22.
Dotty Woods, harassment (physical contact) no injury. Dismissed with leave.
Heather M. Owens, endangering the welfare of a minor. Dismissed with leave.
Brad Allan Snyder, assault 4th degree domestic violence no visible injury. Plea of guilty. 6 months probated 2 years with no offenses.
Elizabeth G. Beard-Smith, speeding 22 mph over limit amended to 15 over, failure to wear seat belts and failure to produce insurance card. Plea of guilty to speeding and failure to wear seat belts charges. $30 fine and $25 fine, respectively. Remaining charge dismissed.
Davey W. Brummett, Jr., speeding 10 mph over limit (school zone), failure to wear seat belts – merged and failure to produce insurance card. Plea of guilty to speeding charge. To attend STS. Remaining charge dismissed.
Joshua Byrd, one headlight – merged, failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security 1st, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt, no/expired registration pates – merged and improper display of registration plates – merged. Plea of guilty. $1,000 fine, $900 suspended and costs; and $25 fine, respectively.
Karron A. Cornett, theft by unlawful taking or disp shoplifting under $500. Failed to appear. Dismissed without prejudice. Refer to county attorney.
Justus Barton Glass, possession of marijuana. Plea of guilty. $100 fine, 10 days probated 2 years on condition of no further offenses.
Jerry R. Griffin, theft by unlawful taking or disp shoplifting under $500. Plea of guilty. $100 fine, 10 days probated 2 years on condition of no further offenses.
Shawn Haight, no/expired registration plates, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt, failure to produce insurance card, improper display of registration plates – merged, failure to wear seat belts and possession of marijuana. Failure to produce insurance card charge was dismissed. Plea of guilty to remaining charges. $25 fine; $25 fine; $25 fine; and 30 days to serve (credit), respectively. All concurrent.
Richard D. Jacobs, no/expired registration plates, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt, failure to produce insurance card and license to be in possession. Dismissed.
Felix R. Maggard, no/expired registration plates, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt – merged and failure to produce insurance card. Plea of guilty. $25 fine and costs; and $100 fine, respectively.
Brandie Leeann Maybrier Long, no/expired registration receipt, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt and operating vehicle with expired operator’s license. Dismissed on proof.
Isaac R. Melton, failure to register transfer of motor vehicle. Plea of not guilty. Pretrial conference 5-18.
David D. Miller, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt and no/expired registration plates. Proof filed.
Robert W. Millhorn, hindering prosecution or apprehension 2nd degree. Plea of guilty. $200 fine, 90 days probated 2 years on condition of no further offenses.
Robert Eugene Moore, theft by unlawful taking or disp shoplifting under $500. Failed to appear. Dismissed without prejudice and refer to county attorney.
Dawn Clements Myers, no/expired registration plates, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt and no brake lights (passenger vehicles). Dismissed on proof.
Wesley T. Orange, no/expired registration plates, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt, failure to produce insurance card and failure to wear seat belts. Plea of guilty to failure to wear seat belts charge. $25 fine. Remaining charges dismissed.
Jesse M. Patterson, no/expired registration plates, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt, failure to produce insurance card and failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security 1st. Fines paid.
Jody L. Petrey, failure to produce insurance card and failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance 1st. Failed to appear. Notify Department of Transportation.
Melissa Piscatelli, operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license. Failed to appear. Notify Department of Transportation.
Jonathan Aaron Priddy, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt and no/expired registration plates. Dismissed on proof.
Justin E. Ridner, failure to wear seat belts, failure to produce insurance card, failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security 1st, rear license not illuminated, improper equipment, license to be in possession and operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license. Failed to appear. Notify Department of Transportation.
Phillip M. Riley, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt, no/expired registration plates, failure to produce insurance card and failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security 1st. Proof filed.
Ivo Clifford Scherbing, Jr., rear license not illuminated. To attend STS and costs.
Jessica Sharp, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt, no/expired registration plates, failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security 1st and license to be in possession. Failed to appear. Notify Department of Transportation.
Kelsey Shelton, operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license and failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance 2nd or greater. Failed to appear. Notify Department of transportation.
Joseph Scott L. Simmons, speeding 18 mph over limit, no/expired registration plates and operating vehicle with expired operator’s license. Plea of guilty to speeding charge. Diversion. Remaining charges dismissed.
Rachel Michelle Smith, no/expired registration plates, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt and failure to wear seat belts. Dismissed.
Earl Thomas Smock, theft by deception include cold checks under $500. Plea of guilty. $25 fee, $25 county attorney fee, costs and $100 restitution; and $25 fee, $25 county attorney fee and $80 restitution, respectively.
Armando Tarasco, alcohol intoxication in a public place. Plea of guilty. $25 fine and costs.
Julia Thomas, no/expired registration plates. Dismissed on proof.
Phyllis B. Wesley, failure to produce insurance card. Review 2-9-18.
Frankie D. Woodall, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt, no/expired registration plates and failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security 1st. Failed to appear. Notify Department of Transportation.
Anthony R. Barron, disregarding traffic control device traffic light, failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security 1st and traffic in controlled substance 1st offense (>=2 gms methamphetamine). Failed to appear. Bench warrant.
Dana Glen Ellison, theft of motor vehicle registration plate/renewal decal amended to attempted, no/expired registration plates and failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security 1st. Plea of guilty. 60 days probated 1 year on condition of no further offenses and restitution of $200; $25 fine; and $1,000 fine, $900 suspended, respectively.