Latest Special Sections


Let the good times roll; Stanford Christmas Parade goes over two hours for special filming

The Stanford Christmas Parade’s 40th anniversary was a big success and possibly the longest in its history. A ...

Special Sections

PROGRESS 2021: Protecting through a pandemic; Health department leads local COVID-19 response

Protecting the health and safety of the county – that’s what Diane Miller, Lincoln County Health Department Director, ...

Special Sections


Essential in a time of need; Funeral home adapts to providing services through a pandemic

Life for most people has changed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but one part that has not changed is ...

Special Sections


Flying into service: Air Evac Lifeteam provides service to Lincoln, surrounding counties

Since July of 2008, Air Evac Lifeteam has been providing life-saving emergency services to Lincoln and seven surrounding ...

