Heritage BPW Wins State Awards
Heritage Business & Professional Women won many state awards and certificates at the Kentucky Federation of Business & Professional Women’s State Conference in Bowling Green in June 2016. Heritage BPW serves Boyle, Garrard and Lincoln Counties.
The local organization won the following awards: Kentucky Professional Women’s Week (medium size), Mentoring Award, Legislative Award and Issues Management Award (programs). Ephraim McDowell Health won the Business Equity Award and Ina Glass, CEO of Fort Logan Hospital, won the Woman of Achievement Award.
Heritage BPW received the following state certificates: Kentucky Foundation, Giraffe Award, Membership, Public Relations and Presidential certificates.
Heritage promotes equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information. We are a network of working women seeking to advance their career goals, earn higher salaries, build stronger businesses, achieve pay equity and equal opportunities, and establish rewarding careers. We serve our communities by ringing the bell for Salvation Army, manning a water table at the Brickhouse Betweenathon, giving scholarships to local high school students and our members volunteer for several organizations.
We also do many fun things: candy making at Christmas and Pioneer Playhouse in July. Our mentoring program is a joy and very rewarding for the girls and us! We mentor 5th grade students in the Danville City School System.
If you would like to join or visit our group for education, networking and fun, please call Mimi Becker at (859) 691-0316 or email mimiabecker@gmail.com. We meet the third Monday night at PBK Bank in Danville.