Pleasant View Baptist Church news: Nov. 10, 2016
By Scena Ann Petrey
Several of our youth spent the weekend at Calvary Hill Baptist Church and other churches throughout the county. While participating in the DNOW, they collected food items for the Fort Logan Ministry. Katie McWhorter, Carter Story, Cole Blakeman and Jessie Wilson spoke to the church Sunday morning, Nov. 6 prior to the sermon. “Freedom comes from trusting God and letting go” was a slogan that was special to them.
Bro. Kyle’s message “Limitless Living: Faith” was taken from Gen. 22:1-19 and Hebrews 11:17-19. “We are made for Someone great!” declared Bro. Kyle to open his sermon. We must break through our limits to cement our relationship with God through faith.
God actually tested people in the Bible, and Abraham was the topic of Sunday’s message. God promised Abraham and Sarah a son; they waited 25 years for Isaac. Then one day, out of the blue, God told Abraham to take his son to a mountain He would show him and sacrifice Isaac to Him.
For three days Abraham prepared and traveled to the place God showed him. When he arrived at the spot for the sacrifice, God stopped Abraham and provided a ram for the sacrifice. God tested Abraham to see if his faith was sufficient. God tests us to see if we love Him or if we are in it for the benefits He gives us!
Abraham was willing to give up his most precious son just because God asked it of him. Thus, Abraham passed the test!
God provided the ultimate sacrifice – His only beloved Son – to die for all the world. He certainly proved His love for us!
On Nov. 13, our church will host a fundraiser luncheon for the Hope 53 mission trip to be made to Haiti in January. The luncheon will follow the 11 a.m. church service. All donations from this luncheon will go toward purchase of supplies for the trip.
The senior Thanksgiving lunch will be Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 11:30 in the fellowship hall. The turkey, rolls, and drinks will be provided. Please bring a side dish, salad, or dessert if you plan to attend.
Our church is currently gathering new gifts for our one day Christmas store. You may drop the gifts off in the box located in the sanctuary. Our affordable Christmas is Saturday, Dec. 3.
Dates to remember: Nov. 13 – Christmas Shoebox dedication; Dec. 16-18 – Mission Trip to Boone, N.C.; Dec. 29-31—Winter Xtreme Conference.
Thought for the week: Jim Elliott, who was martyred in Ecuador, said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”